Building a Responsible, Thriving Cannabis Industry for New Mexico
New Mexico’s cannabis market is evolving rapidly, creating opportunities for growth and innovation. However, the industry faces challenges requiring thoughtful adjustments to ensure it remains sustainable and safe. Save New Mexico Cannabis Now advocates for policies that promote effective regulation, protect public safety, and support the long-term success of the cannabis industry.

HB 10 is heading to the House Floor. Ask your legislator to vote YES on HB 10.

The Issues

With over 1,000 dispensaries across the state and limited resources, the Cannabis Control Division (CCD) cannot effectively regulate a rapidly growing industry, which has led to rampant illegal activity. Proper regulation is critical to maintaining fairness, safety, and compliance.

Hemp-derived THC and related synthetic products are entering the market without any oversight. These products are easily accessible to kids and pose public health risks to consumers, especially teens, highlighting the need to ban these products.

As New Mexico’s cannabis market grows, challenges such as illicit competition and regulatory gaps threaten the economic benefits and stability of the industry. Addressing these challenges now will secure a prosperous future for all stakeholders.

The Solutions


Give CCD Proper Resources and Increase Enforcement Powers

Increase the number of CCD inspectors from 11 to 30 to ensure proper regulation of the growing number of licenses. Strengthen compliance monitoring to safeguard consumer safety and promote industry accountability.


Ban Unregulated Hemp Products

Outlaw unregulated products, hemp-derived THC, to protect public safety and kids.


Adjust Licensing Policies

Implement a temporary pause on new retail licenses to allow time for the state to scale its regulatory capacity and enhance enforcement mechanisms.


Leverage Lessons Learned

Reflecting on the experiences of other states, adopt proven policies that balance market growth with effective regulation to mitigate growing pains.

Why It Matters

Strengthening Oversight
Proper regulation ensures a fair playing field, deters illegal activity, and protects consumers. By adequately resourcing the CCD, New Mexico can build a safer and more accountable cannabis market.
Securing Public Safety
Unregulated products, like hemp-derived THC, especially those targeting teens, pose significant risks. Enhanced oversight and targeted bans on unsafe products will safeguard the health and safety of New Mexicans.
Supporting Economic Growth
The cannabis industry contributes significant tax revenue and job opportunities. Smart policies and effective regulation will secure these benefits for years, ensuring the industry continues supporting local communities.
